Friday, November 25, 2005

All six clients completed!!!!

Well it's been just over one year since I started coaching and I have now completed my 6th and final client required for my qualification. I just have to wait for them to send in their feed back forms and I will be able to apply for my coaching qualification.

I have decided to continue coaching 1-2 clients per week for free until I have received my qualification and for the foreseeable future. Even when I start charging next year I will still reserve a space for 1-2 free of charge clients.

When I do begin to charge I estimate that my initial charges will be £400 per month, this will include 4 sessions per month and unlimited email contact. I've come to this figure by looking around at similar personal services around the London area and also taking into consideration the type of client I wish to take on. The additional factor is that i wish to make enough money to cover my existing pay from my current day job.