Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's very typically British to not celebrate your successes.

The underdog, or the person that just didn't quite make it is always the most real in a British persons eyes. So I put my British roots to one side and went to my graduation ceremony at the Coaching Academy last weekend. I was presented with my certificate and a cute pin/badge. I really felt that I had worked hard to earn this qualification and I was going to enjoy this period. It really was great to be able to walk and talk with the new students about my journey as I studied to be a life coach and see the excitement in their eyes.

I've still not lost that excitement but I am going through a bit of a low after working so hard these last few months and then the joy of qualifying and getting a distinction. Now I'm just feeling a little run down and a bit fuzzy on what to do next. Of course I actually know what I need to do, but it's just getting it straight in my head. I'm seriously thinking about getting my own coach soon so that they can help me clarify the next steps I need to take and put some time scales to them.

My website is doing OK, I've had a few enquiries but they haven't turned into anything yet. I've also added a new visitor counter from they have a great free counter that gives the most amazing detail of where people came from and which pages they looked at, as well as if they come back again.

The two things I've found most interested from was how FEW people actually view my website and how much time they spend on it. My old stat counter seemed to show over 100 unique hits per day, however it seems that most of these are search engines just scanning my pages. However the people that do visit my site, tend to come from reading their email and then spend about 5 minutes scanning a few pages.

It's kind of spooky what you can find out about people view your site!

I've recently applied to use some "pod safe" music for this blog. Once I have that then I may also look into starting some kind of audio blog or pod cast. I've tried before, but without some music it just comes out as very cold and harsh and to be honest forced/false.

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