Saturday, April 07, 2007

Paul G Bailey Online Life Coaching - Home

Paul G Bailey Online Life Coaching - Home

I've spent the last few days really working my website into the search engines. I can see why people are willing to pay thousands of pounds to have it done for them, it's a incrediblly manual process! For the most part any way.

I've manually added my new URL listed at the top of this entry to google and Yahoo!

Then using a program call WEO i've found other sites that relate to life coaching and have written to them requesting a reciprocal link. Basically it seems that if you have quality links to and from other coaching websites the search engines think you are a site that can be used as a resource for other related link and therefore rates you higher.

Some times you can do this automatically, I have also found a script that I have uploaded to my site that allows people to add a link TO their website by simple filling out a form. Of course for the system to work they have to have already added a link back to my site and the system automatically checks that this is in place.

I've already had a couple of other people add me to their sites and one person write back to say he has used my form. Even though the form automatically tells me when someone does this, it was very sweet of him to let me know.

The great thing about life coaches are they are really friendly helpful people and all to often are only delighted to do something like this, especially as it helps them as well.

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